The Finish Line

Workout Tune: "Life Will Change"

Having trained my body and mind, I’m starting to feel a lot more confident in running forward. I’ve faced a lot of obstacles in life, just like everyone, and have managed to get through every challenge and grow along the way. Every experience I’ve had will allow me to work harder and smarter in the future. One day I hope to be a part of big projects aimed at changing the world. I’ve managed to build up my personal strength, but still recognize the part of me that just wants to be with and help people.

Tree Robot Sketches
Robot sketches I drew for my friend

The IDEAS utopia project helped me understand that kind of big thinking. Through designing my ideal campus I got in touch with more of the frameworks that I wanted to support people with. A big factor in that was technology. I wanted to give people a space that could make full use of everything technology has to offer to give everyone the tools to succeed. By applying advancements in areas such as public transport or computer labs people would be able to be more improvements in their work efficiency and education. It’s all centered around making people’s lives easier by providing both advanced workspaces and low stigma relaxation areas. Some of these ideas can be seen in the slideshow of work I did for the project.

Tree Robot Sketches
Robot sketches I drew for my friend
Tree Robot Sketches
Robot sketches I drew for my friend

I want to be able to have a hand in developing the technologies that make people’s lives easier, such as the ones I hoped would be in my utopian campus. A step forward in attaining that goal is continuing to learn more about developing technologies. The augmented reality work I’m getting into will play a large part in that. The field is still very new and requires a lot of research, however, will likely play a large part in future consumer technology as well as in developing robots. I had a friend pitch an idea for a robot to me that would likely use augmented reality. He wanted to develop a robot to help in his work for cutting down trees. The user would look at the tree using their phone’s camera, tap a branch they want to be cut down, and the robot would climb the tree and cut the branch. I drew some quick sketches in my IJ of what the robot could look like. I don’t have the knowledge necessary to build something like this yet, but it’s an example of something I want to be able to have a hand in creating someday.

My finish line will come when I’ve finally created something that truly helps people. Until then, I’ll continue to gain the skills that will benefit myself and others. I’m certain to continue facing ups and downs in life, but will always be able to emerge on the other side. By continuing to overcome challenges and gain endurance I know I’ll be able to keep running and attain my goals. It’s all because…

I am Strong