Culture Crate

Where are we?

Our headquarters and primary warehouse is located at:
16150 Hubbell Ave, Detroit, MI 48235
It is 24,000 square feet and costs $139,000.


We'll be hiring around 100 employees, paying $9.50 an hour.

The average wages we'll be paying per day is about $2,300

So, we'll be spending about $840,000 on wages per year.

Employee Benefits

We'll be giving every employee access to health insurance, costing us about $250 per employee per month.
This adds up to about $300,000 a year.


This site is currently a place-holder, designed by our team, meant to give information to potential investors. A professionally made site will cost about $5,000 to create.

How Can You Contact Us?

Any questions/concerns can be sent to


Any suggestions or feedback can be sent to


Any business propositions can be sent to